AutoCAD vs. Revit: Which One You Should Choose for Architecture?


AutoCAD and Revit are two big names in the architectural industry. These are two architectural software designed by Autodesk company to streamline architects, building firms and engineers` workflow. The two often seems to be competitive products, well this is not true. AutoCAD and Revit actually complement each other, especially in big-scale projects.

If you are a beginner, it must be difficult for you to choose one of them as both are reliable and efficient tools, well-known in the architectural industry. In this blog, we will elaborate on the key features of these applications, both from similarities and differences aspects. This will help professionals in right decision for their working tool.

 What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is an outstanding CAD application that brings the perfect toolkit for creating 2D and 3D drawings. Majorly, this application is used for 2D drafting like sections, elevations, plans, etc. The user interface is quite simple – easy to navigate for traditional users. Plus, it supports all traditional methods of 2D drafting.

What is Revit?

Revit is a comprehensive architectural Building Information Modeling (BIM) program with an advanced toolkit to cater to modern architectural needs. Its primary strength is 3D drawing and modelling capability that includes covering the shape, size, material, cost and geometry of the building.

What is the Difference Between CAD and BIM?


To understand the difference between AutoCAD and Redit, you must know the difference between CAD and BIM. CAD (Computer Aided Design) is the earliest method of drawing in the AEC industry. It covers both 2D and 3D drafting but will have less coordination between design elements. On the other hand, BIM is a modern method that shows all physical and numerical data assets of a building in a single design. 

3D Modeling or Rendering

AutoCAD has the capability for basic 3D drawings like doors, windows, floors and walls. When it comes to visualizing models AutoCAD lacks here. While 3D modelling is the core strength of Revit, with real-time visualization ability. Plus, it previews interlinking between elements of the model, i.e. when you change the dimensions of one object, the other elements automatically adjust according to the change you have made.

BIM Capabilities

Here is another strength of Revit: built-in BIM capability. With Revit, you can create smart models that have all the information of the project, i.e. geometry, elements, accessories, cost and materials, in one place. That is the reason it is valuable for Architectural agencies that provide BIM services. Whereas AutoCAD is not for BIM, you can do basic 3D rendering or 2D drafting.

Learning Curve

For those who are comfortable with traditional drafting methodology, AutoCAD works best. It offers user user-friendly and simple interface which it is an attractive choice for beginners. On the contrary, Revit has a steeper learning curve as it has advanced functioning and myriad toolkit. But once you have become familiar with the functioning of Revit, you will be amazed by its efficiency.

Plug-in Support

AutoCAD offers a number of plug-ins for steady functioning. For example, Spatial Manager is a plug-in that allows users to import and export data from GPS, Excel, Google Earth, etc. In the case of Revit, plug-ins are more important as they tend to simplify the complex functioning of the software. Thus, there are numerous plug-in options are added to the Revit library.

Cost Comparison:

Both the tools are expensive and offer high-pricing plans. However, for students, Autodesk provides a free license for both AutoCAD and Revit.


If you are a beginner or someone who wants traditional tools just for basic rendering you can go with AutoCAD. But AutoCAD alone is not enough to cater modern requirements of the AEC industry. So, for professionals and agencies, we recommend Revit architectural software.

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